Support New Bern’s Shops and Stores

It’s very important for our local economic outlook to support New Bern’s shops and stores. Let’s put our money back into our community.

Some people may believe it’s easier to shop online because of the conveniences, but we are hurting our community by purchasing from outside sources. If you haven’t browsed around our local shops and stores, you may be very surprised by the merchandise and holiday bargains you’ll find. You may think that you’re getting a “good price” online, but think about the fact that you’re not actually “seeing what your getting”, additional shipping fees, return policies, and how your purchases are affecting New Bern’s economy. Another way to look at it is: If some of the local shops were to close, what would you do for a last minute gift?

With the Holidays upon us, many of New Bern’s shops and stores are having “Open Houses”. You’ll receive a warm welcome (refreshments/snacks) and possibly discounted merchandise.

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