How to get a handle on the Social Media Craze!

Testimonial for Denise Wakeman's VIP Mentoring Program
Testimonial for Denise Wakeman’s VIP Mentoring Program

New Bern Now was created in the Spring of 2009 as a hobby. After three years, it’s turned into a “monster”.

I’ve been following Denise Wakeman, an Online Visibility Expert and Founder of the Blog Squad, for a few years. Everything that I’ve read on her website and blog has helped me improve New Bern Now. That’s why I contacted her two months ago to help me set a clear path for our community’s “One Stop, Information Shop”.

Since joining her VIP Mentorship program, New Bern Now’s visitors have grown 25%! That was before we launched the new website yesterday!

If you have a website or blog, I highly recommend that you visit to get “tips and tricks” on how you can increase your organization’s online visibility. As Denise says, “Visibility = Opportunity”.

Thank you, Denise for helping me get “above water” and streamline New Bern Now. There’s still a lot of work to be done, but it’s a step in the right direction!

Please feel free to comment below or an email. Don’t forget to visit New Bern Now’s Facebook page!

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